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Sunday, July 5, 2009

♥ No title.

Feel like blogging at this moment. I just got back from work and I just realized today that I have to work for 11 days in a row start from tomorrow cause a girl is leaving to hk. So like, I got my stomach burnt at work and I cut my fingers 4 times in a month. lol Couldn't have had such a cool start of summer. The only good thing is that I have made a lot of money, but seriously, I have nowhere to spend my money on. (But I still rmb that I have said to buy monica bbt.) My life recently is just dull, monotonous and empty though I never loaft no more. I am so lost and do not know the reason of practising these stuff. I feel ashamed that I am not initiative enough to make a change. I haven't talked to anyone other than my family and people at work for almost two weeks. I don't go on msn, barely go on facebook and I know one day I will be replaced. I do care about any of you. I know monica is always upset about me, I know what she thinks

♥ When you think of happiness, I hope you think of me.
6:27 PM

Thursday, May 14, 2009

♥ Happy Birthday Ashley qujiano

I haven't updated my blog for while. so i got a job whoaaa lol. it was my first day yesterday,and it was a pretty tiring job. but I honestly like it, maybe it's beacsue I am still new and inexperienced. Anyways, my ultimate goal is to save up 3000 bucks and go to Japan by the end of this year. I pray to God that the spread of swine flu could stop asap. I am dying to see you guys and I am really anticipating our trip. I miss the burgers, pasta and doughnuts in Japan; I don't know why, Japan is such a paradise for white food. I an not lying, well im not sure for white people, but swear to God azns would like it.

Yes Gloria #14 and 28 lol (And I will see him in 15 minutes lol) anyway, Arlene and Gloria came over on Tuesday, Gloria's mom called and she had to go. We walked her to the bus stop and Gloria did one of arlene's evebrows lol. Then we walked back and talked about something. I never know my tears would flush out whenever i talk about that, it's like a mechanical reaction. I really don't know and don't want to waste time to understand my feelings. As long as it does not bother me.

Things just happened to start over again, I think I do have a hopefull beginning.
At least I can tell my plans for tomoroow and what my priorities are.
Be happy for me and trust, there is always a way.
There's always tomorrow no matter you feel like it or not, so get ready for it (:
yes ima get ready for my eng test ):

♥ When you think of happiness, I hope you think of me.
9:24 AM

Saturday, May 2, 2009

♥ He uses the same pick up line as you.

He uses the same pick up line as you.
At that moment I felt like seeing you once again.
Like on that day we met.

but then I didnt give any response to him.
I am scared.

Why do people always say ''you deserve better''?
They just drop this line and turn away,
How are you supposed to deserve better when you get hurt again and again?

I am just saying.

♥ When you think of happiness, I hope you think of me.
9:21 AM

Thursday, April 30, 2009

♥ Never apologize for being me. <-(N) Fuck this line.

I am in the library now, waiting for my dad to pick me up cause I got supply (: Yesterday, I went to Jb's with Yusi, Ivan and Andy . I missed his house and POCHI so much(: We cleaned her cage again and Patrick, being a horrible owner washed Pochi with shampoo. Then Pochi was like turned into a senile senior after the 'shower'; she walked so slow and it literally scared me and Yusi. I thought she was gonna get sick or even die cause the shampoo went into her ears. I forgot what happened then lol, I just fell asleep on the couch while they were watching an 'educational' movie nd talking about what is queefing. EXPOSED. LOL

I slept at 8 cuase I do not have enough sleep recently. And my eyes are so fucked, evreything I see is like blurry. so what I could do is to go to bed ):

I hate that when people say
''Family and Friends First'',
yes, obviously they come first. But why do you have to yell that to the whole world when there is not much relations left?
if they dont come first, who does?
Your neighbour? Your boss? Or the guy who picks up garbage every week for you?
Would you say, "Yes, I would kill myself to save my teacher." wtf?

This is awhile ago, and it is pretty awkward. What I want to say is


I miss you, garn dou nei <3 src="http://s2.photobucket.com/flash/player.swf?file=" width="448" height="361" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent">

♥ When you think of happiness, I hope you think of me.
10:38 AM

Monday, April 27, 2009

I am craving for donuts, the japanese ones. I have to get a job quickly so I can go to Japan by the end of this year or get my ass back to Hong Kong. I was kinda in a good mood today, though it was just a banal day.

I am having random thoughts about naming my children. I would probably name my son my favourite ex's name. And if one day I saw him again, I would be like "this is Mr.XX. Say hi, son." my son "Oh we got the same name."
XX" ye, it's a cool name, isnt it?"
Me"ye I named him XX b/c of you"
AWKWARD SILENCE--------------------
im just joking im always fully committed to someone.

♥ When you think of happiness, I hope you think of me.
7:08 PM

Saturday, April 25, 2009

♥ Nothing special today

So, i finally abandoned my amebo.jp-blog nd got a blpogspot since no one uses Japanese blogs anymore. yes, my template is sick. I didn't google it, instead i made it (you can tell lol). Today is just one of those boring days where you loaft at home. I have been trying to do my eng essay, yet somehow I end up here/youtube/facebook. other than procastinating, I made my lunch nd it was as good as how it looks (Y)

I talked to Bobo on the phone this morning about her crush. I feel so isolated cause I used to know her every single chop. I don't know this person but ive heard that he is quite nice. (:

and guys, I know I have been disappearing. I am always home on fridays or weekends, i apologize for that. I never got enough sleep and im somewhat tired everyday so i dun have the energy to chill. I will get some sleep tonight and well chill next friday

The feelings slowly become numb for so long, but my heart is still occupied. There was a sort o f magic in that twimkle in your eyes, but it is clouded now. I hope you know what you are doing even if you are not willing to take advise. Think it yourself, pressure cannot take over your life, you are the only one who can help yourself.

♥ When you think of happiness, I hope you think of me.
1:22 PM

    Crystal Wong;
    Blogging is primarily that of self-gratification
    I enjoys art, literature and music.
    I believe that Love can conquer everything yet love demands a promise.


♥ Thank you

♥ Past